Watch this free training to learn what is Zone of Genius and how it can help you make adjustments in your career to find fulfillment.

"I just want to say, 'Thank You'! You have honestly opened my eyes to a whole new world. I feel like I can do the things I love and potentially build a business around who I already am. No need for major changes which can be scary.

As this new chapter of my life is taking off I feel so free. I feel like I am finally where I am supposed to be and I love the feeling. Now I see why people say “if you do something you love you never have to work a day in your life.” I never thought I’d end up doing something I love and feel empowered while doing so."

—Kenia M.

Who Is This Workshop For?

This workshop is for disheartened professionals who are tired of being tired:

  • Tired of multi-year career detours.

  • Tired of dreading going to work.

  • Tired of not sleeping at night.

  • Tired of replaying stressful work scenarios over and over.

  • Tired of being rejected by hiring managers.

This is for you, if you are a professional who...

  • feels stuck in your career, and not sure where to go from here.

  • needs to get away from X profession, but 10 years in, you are still struggling to figure out what to do as a career.

  • doesn't believe your dream career even exists.

  • is not getting any job offers after X number of interview rounds.

  • is stuck in a toxic work environment and feels paralyzed.

  • wants to start a side hustle, but doesn't know what to do as a side business and actually keep at it.

  • tried to get yourself unstuck, applying tips from various people, but nothing worked.

Who Is This Workshop NOT For?

  • Professionals content with the status quo with no desire to explore new career possibilities or make a change.

  • Those looking for quick fixes without a willingness to do the deep work required for lasting transformation.

  • People who are satisfied with their current job and don’t feel a need to uncover their Zone of Genius.

  • Individuals not open to self-reflection or exploring their unique strengths and talents.

  • Anyone expecting one-size-fits-all solutions without a personalized approach to career growth.

  • Those unwilling to take actionable steps or make adjustments to move toward a more fulfilling career.

What You’ll Accomplish in the

Unlock Your Zone of Genius

LIVE Workshop

Discover Your Unique Talent DNA

  • You'll learn how you are uniquely talented and that talent is not reserved for athletes or creative professionals.

  • You'll start architecting your career with precision, sidestepping the guesswork and dramatically reducing the chances of another joyless job detour.

  • You'll get grounded in your talent DNA and stride forward with unwavering confidence, as you tweak your career trajectory.

Craft Your Personalized Zone of Genius Statement

  • You'll learn the difference between various Zones of Competence and why it is scary to transition from your Zone of Excellence into your Zone of Genius.

  • You'll craft your own Zone of Genius Statement to refer to when you prepare for performance reviews, interviews, salary negotiations, etc.

  • You'll learn how to speak to the value that you bring to your employer with authentic confidence.

Receive a Tailored Blueprint To Overcome Challenges

  • Equipped with your Zone of Genius Statement, you'll learn how to avoid toxic workplaces, bosses and teams.

  • You'll get a customized recipe for your unique flavor of burnout.

  • You'll learn how to handle difficult conversations by tapping into your unique talent DNA.

“Lots of a-has and better understanding of my zone of genius, my challenges and how to show up as my best self. As a result of coaching with Katya, I gained confidence in my self as I am and the green light to continue showing up as I am without apology.”- Tax Strategist

“Katya is a great listener and I really enjoyed having someone listen to my concerns about my direction and future. She also made me feel "normal" for being a blunt woman. I'm a person who suffers badly from imposter syndrome, and she gave me confidence to feel that

(1) I don't need to be more "feminine" in order to be successful, and

(2) showed me how my strengths will contribute to my success. This method was an excellent way to reduce my imposter syndrome.” - Senior Advisor

“Thank you so much for everything. I cannot wait to tell you how much good restorative, positive energy you gifted me!” - Director, Sales

Schedule & What's Included

Saturday, October 26, 2024

12:30—3:30 PM Eastern


What's included:

  • Talent DNA Assessment code

    You will receive a unique code for a trusted talent assessment designed to uncover what you naturally excel at. You will need to take the talent assessment before we meet to get the most out of this live workshop.

  • Interactive Live Workshop (3 Hours)

    A dynamic, hands-on session designed to get intimately acquainted with your natural talents that you may have been taking for granted.

  • Personalized Exercises

    Engaging exercises and activities to help you dive deep into your natural talents and strengths and craft your Zone of Genius Statement.

  • Group Coaching

    Live coaching during the workshop to help you tackle current challenges by finding answers in your unique talent DNA, your Zone of Genius.

Registration closes at 11:00 PM EST

on Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Meet Your Instructor

Katya Nicholas has made it her life mission to unlock every human's Zone of Genius. She has guided hundreds of individuals globally to unearth, recognize, and own their unique talent DNA, a.k.a. their genius.

With a Master’s in translation and linguistics from St. Petersburg, Russia, she spent eight years helping humans speaking different languages and living in different cultures to appreciate each other. This training to promote cross-cultural understanding as an objective, judgment-free conduit now benefits Katya in her coaching to ensure any disheartened professional learns the language of their brilliance and confidently anchors themselves in their zone of genius. Katya currently focuses on career changers to ensure they pivot with confidence.

As someone who has pivoted her career across different industries multiple times while living in different countries, she's uniquely positioned to help you find your fulfilling career path.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to have an idea what I should do professionally?

No. This is why I run this workshop. It breaks my heart every time I talk to someone who is drained and unmotivated by their work. So I made it my mission to ensure everyone not only gets intimately acquainted with their unique talent DNA but they also figure out what they should do professionally that will make them feel fulfilled.

There are two types of career pivot: 1) small pivots and 2) big pivots.

Small Pivot is when you love what you do, but you might be stuck in the wrong work environment.

You might need just a couple of tweaks—like renegotiating your scope or responsibilities—to ensure you spend your time doing something you enjoy.

Or you might need to switch workplaces to land somewhere that’s not toxic.

Big Pivot is when you need to completely change your career trajectory.

But it all starts with understanding your unique talent DNA, your Zone of Genius, and your unique values, so that you:

• have absolute clarity what you should do;

• whom you should work for and with.

This is exactly what we’re going to do in this workshop.

Will this work for people my age?

I don’t know how old you are, but the answer is: YES.

Among my clients, there are individuals who are in their late 20s and early 50s.

I myself pivoted careers at different stages in my life. It’s never too late to make a change for the better, and the older you get the more important it becomes.

Why live life where you’re emotionally drained every day by the job you hate?

Will I need to learn new skills or get another degree to progress or pivot in my career?

It really depends on what you will decide to do. There are some professions that require formal training and certain credentials, and the goal of this workshop is to help you validate that a specific training or credentials are what you truly need before you invest money and time into said training.

Remember the story of my colleague who knew she was interested in psychology as a teenager, but she got convinced by her family to pursue a PhD in Chemistry? She hated that work and eventually went back to her favorite field of psychology and finally feels fulfilled in her career.

Why spend 4-7 years on studying something that you're going to hate later?

You really need to understand your talent DNA, your Zone of Genius, first, so that you can make informed decisions you are less likely to regret later.

What if I can't keep up?

The purpose of this workshop is to help you get intimately acquainted with your natural talent DNA and uncover your Zone of Genius. Once you have that clarity, there’s not much for you to keep up with. You're not learning a new skill that would eventually become your second nature.

You're unveiling what's been in your nature all along.

Remember, about 66% of the population take their natural talents for GRANTED.

And I cannot tell you how many times I've heard from clients "Wow! I've never thought of it this way. I've never connected the dots and realized that I'm unique that way!!" when I highlight something within their talent DNA for them.

Once you have that A-HA, it's yours for life.

Is there homework I have to do before the workshop?


You will need to take a talent assessment before the workshop. It typically takes 30-40 minutes of uninterrupted time to take the assessment.

I will send you an assessment code with instructions at least 3 (three) days before the live workshop.

I struggle with severe Impostor Syndrome. Can this workshop help someone like me?

I'm so sorry to hear this. ❤

Yes, this workshop will absolutely help you overcome impostor feelings. You’ll discover how to reframe self-doubt and negative beliefs into authentic confidence, grounded in your unique Talent DNA and Zone of Genius.

The fact is that the original Impostor Phenomenon test from 1978 that had been referenced in the most cited article from the same year introduced a confirmation bias. This is probably why we're in this Impostor Syndrome epidemic.

Please remember that feeling self-doubt is an absolutely natural human experience. Even the most confident people go through many moments of self-doubts every day.

But not every self-doubt moment points to the impostor feelings.

I unpack this issue in a YouTube video: "The Truth About Impostor Syndrome". Click this link to watch it.

Can you offer this workshop for my team at our workplace?


If you're interested in bringing this workshop to your workplace to help your team uncover their Zone of Genius, please feel free to email me directly. Unlocking your team members' Zone of Genius will foster stronger collaboration, as you will start seeing how your respective strengths complement one another and provide each one of you with an opportunity to do what you enjoy doing. You can contact me directly at [email protected].

More questions?

Please email [email protected] to have your burning questions answered.

Why Do I Do What I do?

Every single day, I interact with brilliant people. And almost every single day, I get to speak to someone who does not even see her own brilliance. Someone who deserves the spotlight and yet recedes to the shadows.

And it breaks my heart.

I continue creating content as well as coaching programs to ensure everyone not only sees, but knows how to capitalize on their brilliance, so that they can stop saving their dreams for later.

This is the hill I'm willing to climb and die on.

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